By: Brooke Wigmore
"sifton- voici un joli lot d'immigants que j'ai eu pour presque rien."
"mlle' canada- mon dieu ! combien va-t-il m'en couter pour les renvoyer"
And translated in English mean:
"Sifton- here's a nice batch of immigrants that i had for almost nothing."
"Canada- How much will it cost for me to send them back?"
It seems that every where you look now a days there are immigrants everywhere. This cartoonist is stating that Canada is accepting immigrants into Canada because Canada gets them for "cheap". We accept immigrants because they are cheap, they work for minimum wage and if you go to Tim Horton's for an example they are mostly immigrants that got shipped over to work here because they work for less. The cartoonist also is trying to state that Canada is accepting to many immigrants into our country. In 2001 there was a survey and it stated that 18% of people living in Canada were immigrants. I am sure it has gone up since 2001.